About Us
ParentingPoint® is an arm of The Shepherd’s Ministries (TSM) working to build strong families and raise godly children.

The aims of ParentingPoint®

  • A safe forum for parents to learn and discuss relevant issues, receive encouragement, guidance, and support
  • Bringing parents into the reality of parenting with God
  • Helping parents to fully employ their Image of God Magnet in child rearing
  • Raising confident and accountable parents
  • Restoring the impetus for worship and missions in homes
  • Promoting an atmosphere of love, reconciliation, and growth in the home
  • Disciple families. 

Provisions of ParentingPoint

  • Training in Parenting skills
  • Parenting Clubs to support parents and seek solutions on parenting issues
  • Pastoral care and support in times of family difficulties
  • Family Retreats
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Family Resource Centre
ParentingPoint organizes a range of different activities including parenting clubs, family support, training courses, conferences, workshops, etc... These activities are designed for parents to bring up their children more effectively.